catyuy Jan 21, 2011 14:58
wtf, angry, annoyance, life sucks, apartment, me vs., not a happy camper, fuck, issues, what is this?, why me?
catyuy Jan 21, 2011 03:41
grandparents are wonderful, tags tags the glorious mess of tags, brother in law, blah blah blah, aunt denise, sister, rant, me vs., mom, headdesk, who what when where why, rambles, family, me, dad
catyuy Jan 11, 2011 21:08
no one cares, blah blah blah, mcdonalds, food, annoyance, tired, me vs., voice post, sleep where are you?, me, work work work
catyuy Sep 12, 2010 15:04
my life is a mess, sick?, medical things, money is an issue, i like tags, uhoh...., that time of the month, blah, oh for the love of pete!!, real life, mcdonalds, ignore me, life sucks, tired, no one should be sick, me vs., life is complicated, stress thy name is, me, work work work, reality sucks, i'm not good at dealing with.., insurance is made of fail